What is a blogging schedule?

A blogging schedule is a schedule that reminds you to publish posts based on specific duration. Take an example of my latest challenge, #60DaysBloggingChallenge.

Blogging schedule could benefit bloggers in many ways. Here are some:

blogging schedule


How to start a blogging schedule?

Anyone can start a blogging schedule, but it takes a lot more than just ‘saying.’ Most bloggers heard about blogging schedule, and they even might have used it at least once in their blogging journey.

You will be surprised at the number of bloggers who stop using a blogging schedule after a period. For starters, it is hard to maintain a blogging schedule and blogging schedule requires strong determination.

Do sounds like a tough job? Not really.

If you are planning to start a blogging schedule, bookmark this post. You will find everything you need to know about blogging schedule.


1. A blogging schedule starts with planning

Do you know what is the biggest challenge when it comes to blogging schedule?

For me, it is keeping/following the plan itself.

Most bloggers and freelance writers are either students or working adults. You are bound to face a tremendous challenge from time to time.

Planning involves:

  • Types of content to blog about
  • Platform you are going to publish
  • Time of publication


2. Consistency is necessary if you want to have a successful blogging schedule

A blogging schedule doesn’t require daily blog posting. All you need is a consistent blog publication.

In my blogging challenge, I decided that my blogging schedule is once every day. Therefore, I’ve to do whatever it takes just to make sure that there will be a blog post published daily without fail.

When you have agreed with a blogging schedule, you need to stick to it to ensure that you do not disappoint your blog followers.


3. Analyzing the success of a blogging schedule

This is where many bloggers get it wrong. A blogging schedule isn’t just a schedule; it is a strategy in marketing which is highly effective.

My blogging schedule is to build strong interest in a particular audience, which in a long run will benefit my online business.

To make sure my blogging schedule is a success, I analyze the outcome on a daily basis.

Here are some stats you can use for analyzing:

  • Number of traffic per day
  • Top traffic source (growth in organic, referral, direct, or social traffic)
  • New email subscribers



Are you going to start a blogging schedule?

There are just too many advantages for a blogger to use a blogging schedule. A blogging schedule could help you increase website traffic, increase revenue and grow your audience in a long run.

If you are a blogger or marketer who wants more traffic to your website, you need to start a blogging schedule right away.

Here’s a question for you. What is your BIGGEST challenge in creating/managing a blogging schedule?

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The post How To Create And Keep A Consistent Blogging Schedule appeared first on REGINALD CHAN.

from How To Create And Keep A Consistent Blogging Schedule http://ift.tt/2clWT4o contributed by Reginald Chan