Home » June 2012
The New iOS 6 Features And Why iOS 6 Is Worth it?

The long wait is finally over. Now, it is the launch of Worldwide Developers Conference or WWDC in short and we are all waiting what Apple Inc has for us. Many assume they will be revealing the latest products that will be in stores for the next 12 months. iOS 6 is being highlighted as the most important and anticipated release of the year for many developers and users alike. Here, I am going to give you a quick guide on what iOS 6 will offer and how you can get your hands on one of them as soon as possible!

What are the new features on iOS 6?

1. Siri gets revamp in iOS 6
Oh yes you hear it right. Do you remember those times where you wish Siri could actually open and navigate through all your apps? With iOS 6.1, Siri can not only launch apps automatically but also at the same time, make reservations for you using OpenTable and it can even provide you scores of your favourite sports team. If you think that is not good enough, how about Siri getting a few language boost and also available for the iPads version?

2. Facebook integration with iOS 6
We know how well iOS works with Twitter and now the time is for Facebook. In fact, it would seriously a stupid action to leave out Facebook, the multi-billion dollar social networking company. It does everything you need it to do and the best part is that it will automatically sync birthdays and events of your Facebook contacts directly into your calender. 

3. Do Not Disturb mode
We all have our moments where we do not want to be disturbed and it could happen either in a meeting or even when we are sleeping. The latest iOS 6 will allow users to enable a Do Not Disturb mode which will kill all notifications instantly. Well, you will still be getting those emails, messages etc but certainly, you will not hear a beep from them.

4. FaceTime works through cellular data
I knew this will happen sooner or later. Currently FaceTime only works through WiFi. With iOS 6, you can 'FaceTime' over cellular data and this brings competition straight up to the face for most instant messengers such as Skype.

5. Sharing photos via iCloud
We all know cloud sharing is very famous nowadays and that is exactly what Apple Inc is doing! One of the core features of iOS 6 is the ability for users to actually use iCloud to share photos with selected group of friends with just a few clicks. Not enough? How about the ability to comment on those shared photos as well?

6. New mail features
Okay, I know our 'Mail' service on iOS 5 is lame and it has always been! What makes iOS 6 such a debut is that there are new mail features which works like charm. There are emails and user groups you can set to ensure that priority emails are shown first followed by the rest. Imagine, Priority Emails by Google. Now, you get the point!

7. Passbook
I always consider Passbook as Blackberry's password keeper. With iOS 6 Passbook, you can easily store informations of your credit cards, bank details and even loyalty vouchers easily without hassle. In another words, consider passbook as the new Apple's Online Wallet.

8. The all new Apple Map
This is huge and I mean HUGE! The all new Apple Map is said to be better than Google 3D Map which was recently released. From the demo provided, we are definitely giving a thumb up on the level of details and accuracy. It is also said that Apple is building its own traffic service that offers anonymous, crowd-sourced and real-time incident reports.

What do you think? For me, iOS 6 is definitely a very important step when it comes mobile technology and to step up the competitions with Android and Windows platform. I always got my hands on the latest iOS 6 leaked version and am currently uploading it. Once the upload is done, I will share with you the link! Meantime, reply to this and tell me what you think of the iOS 6!

The Best Cydia App For Your Jailbroken Device

There could probably thousands of apps you can download to modify and customize your jailbroken device such as iPhone, iPad and even iPod in Cydia store. In this article, I have complied the best Cydia apps that you must have to make your device even more complete!

Hold on there tiger! If you have not jailbreak your device yet, you can download the latest Absinthe version and here is the complete, risk-free and step by step guide to jailbreak using Absinthe.

There could be thousands of apps available on Cydia store for jailbroken devices

1. SBSettings
Do you wish to have a more customized settings which you can access from your springboard without needing to find the Settings icon? Well with SBSettings, you can easily do that and even more without hassle. If you ask me, this is one of the most important app that you must have on your jailbroken iPhone. Accessing SBSettings is easy simply by swiping your finger to the right on the top bar and you will have immediate access to:
  • 3G toggle
  • Airplane mode
  • Bluetooth
  • Brightness control
  • Location setting toggle
  • Wifi toggle
  • Respring
  • Power button (consist of safe mode, restart and power off)
2. Activator
Activator is another great free application available on Cydia. One of the best usage of Activator (for me) is that I use that to turn on the flashlight with just double pressing the power button. What Activator does is that you can assign 'hotkeys' to any buttons available on your iPhone. With this, you can easily activate your camera, video recording or even your favourite app with just one or two press of a button.

3. BiteSMS
I know that BiteSMS is very popular among many and I recently had the opportunity to try it out. BiteSMS is very good as it works much better than stock SMS that Apple provide. For starters, you can open Quick Reply straight from your phone without entering the SMS app with BiteSMS. Imagine those times that you wish you can reply the message instantly? With BiteSMS, you do not need to worry about that any more! Besides that, BiteSMS works perfectly well with SBSettings which you can access the app directly from the notification bar.

4. MxTube
Forget about those free downloader you can find on Apple Store. With MxTube, you are able to download up to 10 videos from YouTube with the free version. If you want to have unlimited videos, then you should purchase the licence. What makes MxTube better than any other YouTube downloader is that not only it is reliable, it is very easy to use. Whenever you play a video, it will automatically ask you if you want to save the video into your phone.

5. SpringFlash
If you always find yourself in the dark and needed some assistance, then you should get SpringFlash immediately. For starters, it will definitely save you whenever you are in the dark with just 2 clicks of a physical button. It does what it is said to do and there is nothing more we can ask from it.

6. WinterBoard
Last but not least, if you are a big fan of changing and customizing your iPhone theme, then you would definitely need WinterBoard. Consider WinterBoard as a medium to run those epic and mouth-watering themes on your device. This is (again) one of the most downloaded app on Cydia store for all jailbroken devices.

Is Jailbreak Really That Worth It?

For most Apple fans, jailbreak is a very common household term. In fact, some considered jailbreak as one of the 'speciality' that Apple could offer. For newbies or new Apple users, one common question is "How worth it jailbreak is?" With this article, I hope that you get an insight of what jailbreak is all about.

How worth it is Jailbreak?

For starters, jailbreak is also known as JB for most Apple fans. What jailbreak does is just like rooting an Android. Basically, when you jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod, you can install programs and applications which are not signed by Apple. In another words, you can basically install anything on your device and even have Administrator access to the core of the Apple product. Well if you ask me why Apple doesn't approve jailbreaking in public, the answer is simple. Messing around with this delicate settings could be very fatal and could easily destroy your device if you are not careful with.

So, what are the advantages of jailbreaking?

Access to a larger number of applications and customizations
Whenever you jailbreak your device, you are going to be spoilt with thousands of apps that Apple doesn't allow. We all know how strict Apple is when it comes to applications and programs. Therefore, for those who love tweaking their iPhone, iPad or iPod, jailbreaking is a must as without jailbreak, you are not going to be able to tweak and customize your device.

Jailbreak to unlock a locked iPhone set
It is very normal nowadays for people to buy iPhones from other countries and to be brought back to their own countries. Mainly is because of the high cost and shipping fees. However, buying such iPhones are mostly locked set which means that, you are not able to use the iPhone with other carriers. Thankfully for jailbreaking, you can now unlock your locked iPhone and you can start using it with any carrier of your choice.

Deleting the irritating newstand and many more
One of the most hated basic app for most Apple users is the newstand. Without jailbreaking your device, the newstand have to be placed on the springboard and you will have no option to remove it. Now when you jailbreak your device, you can install tweaks that basically delete the unwanted newstand and clear your screen.

As you can see above, here are the three most common advantages and purposes of jailbreaking an Apple product. Every good thing has its own disadvantages as well and I know something is still turning in your head.

How about Jailbreak disadvantages? Does jailbreak bring any side effect?

Jailbreak effect on battery life
Sadly, jailbreak has its own disadvantages and one of them is the battery life. I wouldn't consider this completely an advantage by jailbreaking as when you jailbreak, you are able to install those customization especially on themes. Some themes are really battery suckers and simply by installing them, you might ended up having more issues with your battery life. If you want to get out of battery life issue, always make sure you install what is needed only.

Jailbreak makes iPhone and iPad lag!
This is another very common thing I hear every day. Jailbreaking DOES NOT slows down your phone but the number of mods and programs you had installed will do so. So, why am I blaming on jailbreak? The answer is simple. Most of these apps comes from Cydia and thus, I would consider the core of the problem coming from jailbreaking itself. Again, remember to install whatever you need and not everything you need.

Display error caused by jailbreaking
Last but not least, it is very normal if your app icon loses its colour or image when you jailbreak. Usually a respring will solve the issue but again, we all wish to have a complete and working product right? As much as jailbreaking can do good for us, display error is still one of the biggest problem that comes along with jailbreaking.

My review on jailbreaking

Jailbreaking is definitely fun and I been using both JB and non-JB iPhones for sometime now. If you ask me, I wouldn't say jailbreak is that bad but certainly, there are things you should know about before jail breaking. Also, there is no such thing as all pros and no cons regardless of what you do. Therefore, you have all the right to jail break but make sure that you install only the necessary apps and programs to ensure your Apple device is running smoothly.

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