What it feels like blogging from a tablet?
Technology nowadays are actually taking over our lives. Every where we go, we are basically 'equipped' with our smartphones and gadgets. Coming from a blogger background, I felt it is tough for me to bring my bulky laptop every where I go. okay, I got to admit that I am very...very lazy. Guilty as charged. However, what it really feels like blogging from a tablet? Let me share with you...may I?

Accessibility on the go
This is what I love about using a tablet to blog. Thanks to Google Document, I could easily type and compose my articles without worry. As for the record, I am using a Samsung Gakaxy Tab 8.9 for blogging which is my first tablet. With a small tablet, I am able to head to any Coffee Bean or Starbucks for a quick coffee while enjoying composing. Believe it or not, my tablet last longer than my laptop could stand. Amazing. I could easily go two good days without charge and my tablet is still standing strong. Imagine bringing your laptop and those chargers along wherever you go. Mobility is vital...hands down.

The evolution of tablet
Let's face it. Tablet nowadays are talking over laptop glamorous days. In another word, laptop days are over! Don't trust me? Head to town and look around. Compare how many people are having tablet and how many are using laptops. You get the point. Yes, thanks to technology, tablets are getting even more 'equipped and able to function close to what a laptop can actually do. pretty impressive and sometime, technology just mesmerises me. 

Can you really compare a tablet with a laptop?
I am a serious technology geek and I can tell you this. You just can't really compare both of them. First of all, they are already running in different platforms. Furthermore, comparing a virtual keyboard and a physical one? Give me a break! Both has their pros and cons honestly. What I can say is if you are always mobile, get a tablet as it is much better and convenient. If yo have a nice spot (or don't mind sitting at home), get a laptop as laptop usually works better than a tablet in come way.

My simple verdict: Laptop vs Tablet?
For me, laptop will always be a better choice for me at least for now. Yes I got to amid that it is partly due to the fact that I have been attached to my HP laptop for over 3 years compared to this tablet of 1 year. However, I still see some spots where laptops actually works better than tablet. For example, I am not able to modify much if my blog from my tablet. You get the point. Nonetheless, I am happy with both and yes (again), if you would need to choose just one device, ask yourself whether you are always mobile or static. By then, you would already find your answer.

Disclaimer: This topic is written completely using Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 with the help of Google Docs. Kudos to technology!

About the writer: I am an avid blogger and close to a full time online writer. I been writing for many years and The Big Fat Reality is one of my upcoming blogs. I am also sharing all my tips and guides on blogging in this blog and if you love technology news, you should definitely check this article out: The Best Smartphone Yet - Apple iPhone 4S.